Knee Pain
The following examples of knee pain aim to give you an idea of what we treat people for in our Glasgow and Edinburgh clinics. Our clinicians are specialists in knee injuries and can assess the source of your knee pain to discover your best treatment options. Our Knee injury specialists can help you recover from your injury and allow you to return to the lifestyle you enjoy leading.
Our clinicians are specialists in bracing using the latest knee braces from the best Orthopaedic suppliers such as Ossur, DonJoy, Thuasne and OttoBock.
Arthritis is a common condition to affect the knee joint which can cause stiffness and pain in the knee. The two main types of arthritis are Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid Arthritis is caused by inflammation in the knee joint which damages the soft tissue. This can have a negative effect on the alignment of the joint. Osteoarthritis effects the cartilage (connective tissue) in the knee joint. Cartilage surrounds the knee joint and allows smooth movement but osteoarthritis damages this tissue which leads to joint pain when moving.
Generally, this is wear-and-tear of the joint but a knee injury can accelerate this process. Incorrect alignment of the feet, ankles or knees may also aggravate symptoms. The most common symptoms include pain, swelling and stiffness in the knee.
We have close links with Ossur who produce the Unloader knee brace range for the offloading of uni compartmental osteoarthritis of the knee to relieve pain with the aim to help improve mobility. This range of devices is available after self referral or via a referral from an AXA approved orthopaedic consultant and may be available on your policy.
Osgood-Shlatters Disease
This condition is generally seen in teenagers after a growth spurt, especially if they’re active. When a child experiences a growth spurt the bones grow faster than the muscles which can cause excessive strain on the muscles. Osgood-Shlatters disease can result in pain and inflammation just below the knee cap.
Patella Bursitis
Patella Bursitis is when fluid builds up over the knee cap and surrounding areas. Kneeling for long periods of time or repetitive movements can cause this to happen. Housemaids Knee will tend to effect people playing a lot of sports or are have to kneel a lot during work, for example, carpet fitters. The most common symptoms include swelling, redness, pain and tenderness over the front of the knee.
Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS)
PFPS is often described as pain behind the knee cap and it affects around 25% of the running population.
A common sign of PFPS is an aching at the front of the knee, particularly when sitting for longer periods. Many people with PFPS find that straightening their knee regularly can temporarily relieve their pain.
Patellar Tendinopathy
Patellar tendinopathy is a degenerative condition which usually presents as pain in the patellar tendon around its attachment to the knee cap.
Iliotibial (IT) band compression syndrome
IT band compression syndrome is often described by runners as a burning or snapping pain around the outside of the knee.
It is a result of the band being compressed against the femur (thigh bone).
The pain tends to be worse when the knee is bent slightly as this is when the band is most compressed.

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