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Buchanan Clinic Welcomes the Innovative Turtle Brace

A Shell of Support: Buchanan Clinic Welcomes the Innovative Turtle Brace

Buchanan Clinic is thrilled to announce a new addition to our range of treatment options – the Turtle Brace! Invented by the ingenious Serge-Eric, this revolutionary brace system offers a unique approach to supporting mobility and contracture management in children and adults.

We recently had the pleasure of collaborating with David Bownes of Blatchford to explore the possibilities of the Turtle Brace. Together, we delved into the effectiveness of its AFO (Ankle-Foot Orthosis), Wrist, and Elbow variations.

Serge showing how to get the most from the Turtle brace elbow

Turtle Power for CP Management:

The Turtle Brace shines in its application for children with Cerebral Palsy (CP). Its unique design allows for use in serial casting scenarios, particularly following Botox injections. This provides adjustable support throughout the treatment process, adapting to muscle tone changes. Additionally, the brace can be utilised as a night split for managing contractures.

Turtle Brace AFO fitted with a 3d Printed Insole

Beyond CP: Versatility for Diverse Needs

The Turtle Brace's functionality extends beyond CP. It’s a valuable tool for post-stroke patients, offering targeted support for improved movement patterns. The innovative material also makes it water-friendly, allowing wearers to benefit from its support even in pool therapy or showering.

Buchanan Clinic: Your Turtle Brace Experts

At Buchanan Clinic, we understand the importance of customised solutions. Our team of qualified professionals will conduct a thorough assessment to determine if the Turtle Brace is the right fit for your specific needs. We will then provide a personalised fitting, ensuring optimal comfort and effectiveness.

Turtle Brace fitted into a flipper for swimming

Ready to Explore the Possibilities?

If you're looking for a dynamic and adaptable option for managing mobility challenges, the Turtle Brace is worth considering. Contact Buchanan Clinic today to schedule a consultation and discuss how this innovative brace system can help you or your loved one move forward with greater confidence.

Additional Information:

For further details about the Turtle Brace, visit the official website: [https://turtlebrace.com/en/]

Let's empower movement together!

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